Your Guide to the Direct Vision Standard 2024

Your Guide to the Direct Vision Standard 2024

Your Guide to the Direct Vision Standard 2024

As part of Vision Zero plans to eliminate road deaths and serious injuries by 2041, Transport for London has announced that the Direct Vision Standard (DVS) requirements are changing from 28th October 2024.

If your fleet operates in London, you may need to take action.


What is the DVS?

The DVS requires all vehicles over 12 tonnes to obtain a safety permit when operating in or travelling through Greater London.

The star rating system assesses your vehicle’s visibility, with the current legislation requiring a minimum 1-star rating. This will increase to a minimum 3-star rating in October 2024.

Vehicles rated at three stars or more will be granted a permit without the need for modifications. If your vehicles don’t meet this standard, they must be equipped with a Progressive Safe System (PSS) to qualify.


What is the Progressive Safe System?

The PSS consists of seven safety features that enhance the detection of other road users.

  1. Camera Monitoring System.
    Fitted to the nearside of the vehicle to eliminate blind spots
  2. Class V and VI mirrors or a CMS that replaces mirrors.
    Fitted to the front and the nearside of the vehicle.
  3. Moving Off Information System (MOIS).
    Fitted to the front of the vehicle to detect road users, with alerts to warn the driver.
  4. Blind Spot Information System (BSIS).
    Fitted to the nearside of the vehicle to detect road users, with alerts to warn the driver. The system must not activate to roadside furniture or stationary vehicles in order to qualify.
  5. Audible Alert for Left Turn.
    To warn pedestrians and cyclists that a vehicle is turning left.
  6. Side Under-run Protection.
    Fitted to both sides of the vehicle.
  7. Prominent Warning Signage.
    Displayed on vehicles to provide a clear visual warning of hazards.


How can we help?

Data Driven Logistics can offer a full camera solution, covering the MOIS, BSIS and Camera Monitoring System requirements of the DVS, as well as audible left turn and warning signage. Up to 8 cameras provide a live real-time view, advanced detection with AI and alerting capabilities. Coupled with our existing tracking and telematics products, this will provide improved fleet safety, efficiency and optimisation.


Applying for a Permit

If your vehicle has a minimum 3-star rating, or has been fitted with the PSS, you can find out more about the application requirements, and apply for your safety permit from TfL here.

Driving in the majority of Greater London without a permit could incur a Penalty Charge Notice of up to £550 per day, so make sure your vehicles are DVS compliant.


Applying for the grace period

TfL has announced a grace period, running from 28th October 2024 to 4th May 2025. This isn’t automatic, and you must apply for the grace period if you think you will need more time to install the PSS. You must also provide evidence that installation works are arranged within the grace period.

You can find further guidance about the DVS changes on the Transport for London website here.

To discuss how Data Driven Logistics can support you, call +44(0)3458 733 200 or email

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